Friday, February 5, 2010

Question 13: Can you live without a cellphone?

Can you live without a cell phone? This is a very good question. Sometimes I wonder what we ever did without them. I remember when they first came out. I worked as a waitress. I would approach a table. The customer couldn't seem to get off the phone and wouldn't acknowledge that I was even there to take their order. I used to think that was so rude. Now I couldn't do without my cell phone. It's the best invention ever.

Pama Lyons

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Question 12: Can you survive in your city if you only have $10 for a day?

Do you think you can survive in your city if you only have $10 for a day? If you can I would love to hear your story. I usually do. I take drinks and sometimes bring my lunch with me when I leave for work. If I bring my lunch I don't spend a dime all during the day. If I don't bring my lunch, I wind up spending no more that $5.00. I do not know how it is for most people. Having a car helps also because I don't have to spend bus fair.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Question 11: Internet vs text books whats your choice?

This question is for people who are attending school. I for one am not, but if I had a choice I would choose the Internet to text books. Those people who would rather use a book would choose text books. I would love to hear from someone who knows this question. Is it easy to study from a text book or use the Internet?
Pama Lyons

Monday, February 1, 2010

Question 10: Do you have the habbit to collect things? what type of things you collect?

Collecting things is not my cup of tea. I hate clutter in my home. It makes me feel like I am suffocating if I have allot of belongings hanging around my living space. Now my garage is something else. My garage looks like a hoarders house almost. This is one of my projects when spring hits. I'm going to clean out my garage and get rid of most things that are stored. I believe if you have to put it in a box and store it you don't need it so get rid of it. What do you feel about this?

I'm looking forward to your comments.

Pama Lyons

Friday, January 29, 2010

Question 9: Do You Live In Your Home Town?

I would say most people do not live in their home town. I myself have been gone for over 30 years. I am wondering how many of you still live in your home town?

See you all Monday. Have a great week end.

Pama Lyons

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Question 8: Do you have only one password at multiple accounts?

Supposedly you have a Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Socialvibe and Mylot (and let's include your email address).. Do you have only one password on all of these accounts? If so how do you keep up with them?

I use only one password if I can get away with it. I sign up for many things. To keep up with more than one password is hard except I use RoboForm, which keeps up with all my passwords for me. I use supperdupper passwords for my bank accounts and what I feel are the most important.
Pama Lyons

Monday, January 25, 2010

Question 7: Are you enjoying your job?

What job would you be doing and why do you enjoy it, if you do...and if not, then why not?

The job that I do right now, merchandising rep, I enjoy because I make my own hours, I don't have a boss following me and telling me what to do all day and I don't have to talk to people unless I feel like it. Mostly I feel like it because I like people. Also I can work at my own pace. That is important because I have a bad back. The down part of this job is there is no health insurance. That is o.k. for now because I go to a clinic here in town that goes by your income on a sliding scale. I am hoping that one day I will be able to choose my own doctor.

Please leave your comments. Thank you