Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Question 4: Tipping

No matter what service is done for you do you feel you have to tip?If you have your hair done or go out to eat do you feel you have to tip?I feel like I do if the person performing a service for me is all nice and does a good job.How about you?
Do you feel you have to tip even when the service was terrible?

To me tipping should only be done if you get the service you deserve. Restaurant tipping especially. Restaurants are the only businesses that under pay their employees. It should be illegal to pay someone slave wages in any business. Being a former restaurant worker this is kind of a sore spot to me. Not only do servers take care of the customer, they also have to do the cleaning and taking care of the restaurant. Even cleaning bathrooms. I'm sure a cleaning business doesn't pay their employees $2.13 an hour. Do you? Never tip bad service anywhere you go. Tipping was meant to be something extra to show your appreciation to one who is giving you extra attention. Nothing more.


JMALH said...

Because of the low pay given to restaurant workers, I usually tip whether the service is good or bad. However, I give small tips for bad service (this bad service doesn't happen very often) and good tips of 20% or sometimes for good service.

adrian said...

Because of the kids, we often tip very well. I just can't leave that mess for them to clean up. The biggest tips, honestly, often go to the waiters and waitresses who "fuss" at me for cleaning up. Their being grateful makes me more grateful. I often won't go back to a restaurant where I don't feel like the kids are welcome and I have had, on occasion, wait staff glare at me and the kids before we even finish our meal. Well, they lost that big tip. :)